LPM 530-250 LPM 530-250 深圳市现代豪方仪器仪表科技有限公司 TEL:0755-26738591 26738871 FAX:0755-26738841 手机: 工作Q 叶工 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S LOAD RANGES: 50 g to 10,000 lb LINEARITY/HYSTERESIS: 50 g to 250 lb - ±0.15% F.S. 500 lb to 10,000 lb - ±0.2% F.S. REPEATABILITY: 50 g to 1000 g - ± 0.1% F.S. 5 lb to 10,000 lb - ±0.05% F.S. MATERIAL: Stainless Steel TEMPERATURE RANGE: 60? to 160? F OUTPUT: 50 g to 150 g - .1mv/v/g 250 g to 500 g - 20mv/v 1000 g - 1.5 mv/v 5 - 10,000 lb - 2mv/v BRIDGE RESISTANCE: 50 g to 500 g - 500 ohm 1000 g to 10,000 lb - 350 ohm EXCITATION: 50 g to 10 lb - 5 Vdc 25 lb to 10,000 lb - 10 Vdc SAFE OVERLOAD: 50 % Over Capacity DEFLECTION: .0005" - .0020" F.S. CABLE: 5 ftLE 所有型号: LPM 530-50g LPM 530-150g LPM 530-250g LPM 530-500g LPM 530-1000g LPM 530-5lb LPM 530-10lb LPM 530-25lb LPM 530-50lb LPM 530-100lb LPM 530-250lb LPM 530-500lb LPM 530-1000lb LPM 530-2000lb LPM 530-3000lb 特点 The LPM 530 is a precision miniature force cell which measures both tension and compression load forces of 50 grams to 10,000 pounds. These models are highly accurate, rugged miniature load cells. Model LPM 530’s welded, stainless steel construction utilizes a “triple” stack design to reduce the effects of off-axis loads. The internalconstruction assures excellent long term stability for ranges of 1000grams and above. All of the basic engineered concepts of larger load cells, such as precision calibration, stabilizing diaphragms, temperaturecompensation, etc., are built into this model.